The company MPM-QUALITY a.s., ID No.: 47987430, with registered office at Příborská 1473, 73801, Frýdek-Místek, registered in the public register maintained by Regional court in Ostrava, Section AXVIII, File No. 956 is fully aware of the importance of data protection in the information company. For the functioning of many business activities, the possibility to process personal data, including data necessary for person’s identification, is crucial and creates a main pillar for functioning of businesses working with new technologies. To guarantee a problem-free functioning of all entrepreneurial activities of the company, we pay attention to adherence of relevant legislative requirements. One of these requirements is ensuring the data protection according to European parliament and The Council of the European Union 2016/679 from 27 04. 2016 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohyb těchto údajů a o zrušení směrnice 95/46/ES (obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů), (dále jen „GDPR“), jakož i všech prováděcích předpisů přijatých na národní úrovni v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů.
This document contains basic information about which personal data in the relation to our customers as users of our web pages are processed, also information about what authorises us to such processing, to whom we can hand personal data and also, which rights follow from this to our customers as subjects.
1. Which principles we follow?
- processing personal data only in agreement with the law and only on the basis of some of the demarcated legal titles to be processed, which we describe below
- Processing personal data only in stated purposes of processing
- Paying attention to exactness and topicality of personal data processing
- Adhering to principle of minimisation of personal data, meaning that we process only those personal data that are essential, given the stated purposes of processing.
- Following the principle of transparency of processing and we always provide our customers with complete information about the processing and their rights.
- Ensuring corresponding security standards for the protection of data processed by us, so that there is not a possibility of them being lost, destroyed or their other illegal handling.
- On the assumption, that we no longer need some of the personal data for some of the stated purposes, we ensure their immediate deletion with conformity with the law.